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We welcome and highly appreciate invitations for interviews, articles, documentaries, exhibitions and auctions to promote our work. Please contact us at


We truly appreciate donations to help us expand our ‘Young Tapestry Artist’ learning program. Donate whatever amount you please.

Own one of our works of art

Of course, you may also have a look at our webshop. Our works of art have limited editions and are all high-quality hand-made tapestries that last a lifetime.  Quotes may be obtained from

Learn tapestry weaving yourself

Would you like to learn Andean tapestry weaving yourself? Here’s the good news. We welcome people from all over the world to our workshops in Cusco. Recently, we’ve been constructing our new workshop in Ancawashi, in the beautiful countryside of Anta, as well. Here you can learn creating and weaving your own designs. There are customized workshops from 1 day up to apprenticeships of a month or longer. For information and bookings contact